Top regrets… 5, 6 and 7 are major blocks in life.

I came across this list in Forbes. They listed the top 25 regrets people have. I’ve commented on the top 10.   Reading them I realized that every one of them can be avoided or greatly reduced when a person has self belief, confidence, courage and lovingness – along with […] Read more »

Smoking costs…

How many smokers do the sums of what smoking costs them in a year?   I’m talking only of the financial costs. There’s the direct price of the cigarettes themselves – say 20 a day at €10.50 works out at €73.50 a week or the guts of €4,000 a year. […] Read more »

How to 1) identify 2) Understand and 3) Resolve Anxiety

It isn’t difficult to know when we are anxious and worried. We can all too easily feel it in our bodies. Our heart might be racing, hands cold or clammy, we find it difficult to take a satisfying breath, we can blush, get blotchy necks and backs, sweat, all with […] Read more »

Say ‘So’ to stressful thoughts

How to gain freedom from stressful thoughts   No thought has any power to hurt you – until you believe in it. When a thought is invested with the power of belief, with the power of identification and with the power of attention it becomes something that can cause you […] Read more »

6 Proven ways to improve your health

  There is a direct link between nutrition and mood and also our physical health. The following is a list of 6 clinically proven ways to improve mood and health through nutrition. It is recommended to adapt these ways and to research further so that you are educated and better […] Read more »

Constructive Creation

Attention is Creation!   What if it is the case that what we put our energy / attention on is what is creating our life. If the power of our focus is a creative energy – then it’s interesting to consider what it is we pay attention to on an […] Read more »

The surprising dramatic role of nutrition in mental health

‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away‘…. This is a well known and more than anecdotally true statement. ‘We are what we eat‘ is common knowledge, with the link to poor nutrition and physical illness well reported and accepted.   What is not so well reported or accepted however […] Read more »

Transformational change v’s incremental change…

While we develop in childhood we are learning about how we and the world work. We learn what’s appropriate and inappropriate, right and wrong, good and bad, what behavior does and doesn’t get our needs met.   Our emotional brain (lymbic) records these learning’s emotionally, in such a way that […] Read more »

Words are like spells….Positive Thinking

Every word can be considered to be a unit of energy – the units can be positive and accumulate like a juicy savings account, with plenty of funds to pay for all we want in life, or the units can be negative, like over-drawing every month on our wages.   […] Read more »