Magnesium: Natures aid to Stress

If you have ever had a panic attack you know it is one of the most terrible experiences you can have. This information may help you from having to experience the awful dread, fear of losing of control, racing thoughts, and overwhelming emotions associated with panic/anxiety attacks.     Anxiety […] Read more »

How to stop going red for ‘no reason’.

“My face burns hot anytime they ask me anything. It’s so embarrassing and for no reason. It could be just a simple request to pass something over to them or a comment on what I did at the weekend and that’s enough.”     People who don’t blush often find […] Read more »

Q: Best way to Quit?

A: 1) Be Proactive and 2) Hire Expert Assistance.   Smoking is considered one of the toughest things to quit. Even very successful people found it a challenge, and like most successful people when they come up against a problem they seek advice from someone able to help.   One […] Read more »

Anxiety – Defined!

Define ‘ANXIETY’   noun   1. a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. synonyms: worry, concern, apprehension, apprehensiveness, consternation, uneasiness, unease, fearfulness, fear, disquiet, disquietude, perturbation, fretfulness, agitation, angst, nervousness, nerves, edginess, tension, tenseness, stress, misgiving, trepidation, foreboding, suspense;   2. strong desire or […] Read more »

5 ways we try deal with ANXIETY…

1) AVOIDANCE:   If talking in front of others fills us with dread, if our bowels loosen and we need the toilet, if we sweat or blush or feel ‘on the spot’, then we can get jobs that don’t require chairing meetings or giving presentations. If we feel awkward mixing […] Read more »

5 WRONG CONCLUSIONS we reach when we’re ANXIOUS…

1) “THERE’s SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME – I’m not the same as others”   When we feel anxious and in that ‘survival – threat mode’ it can seem like we are the only ones who are struggling. We compare ourselves negatively to others. We ‘know’ we’re a failure. We ‘know’ […] Read more »

Perfectionism and Panic

One woman’s story. Do you relate?     “Back in 2007, I had it all: A loving husband, a ‘solid’ job in the bank, good friends and a family I like to share time with. I was living in a lovely area – not long having moved in – close […] Read more »